RENOVA Shop & Theatre
From the outset we approached this design project as a machine, a Time-Capturing Machine. A desire to capture time and its passing. A passing of time and light that supports the a irmation: architecture captures time; architecture captures the passing of time.
How can matter with as low a density as air and light capture
time within a space? Can space be captured through Architecture? The answers to these questions are given on three di erent levels: incicion, surface and perforation. Space, Time and Architecture. How is it possible, through Architecture, to articulate these di erent concepts?
The incicion is revealed in the cuts made into the pre-existing industrial nave, resulting in the transparencies at the extreme ends of the space.
The surface gives continuity and antagonistic expression, precisely demarcating the boundaries between interior and exterior – a demarcation achieved by the matter itself. The exterior surface built and characterised by the natural essence of steel, contrasting with the interior surface characterised by colour. The constant use of the same colour and the same material gave the design a high degree of abstraction.
The perforation of the surface varies only in scale and orientation – depending on the desired e ect on the spaces.
Through this architecture and this time machine our goal was to build spaces in which people can experiment the lightness and density of time and its various temporalities.